Continuing Professional Development (CPD)​ Committee

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Signup Deadline: 02-16-2024
Starts: 06-01-2024
Ends: 05-31-2027
Location: Online Opportunity


Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Committee

Starts: 06-01-2024
Ends: 05-31-2027

Position Summary:
The Continuing Professional Development (CPD) committee is responsible for ensuring that CHRP, CHRL and CHRE members meet the continuing professional development requirement for maintaining their designation. This committee is mandated to audit continuing professional development logs presented by the Registrar and approve/reject those applications in accordance with established policies and procedures.


Current holder of the CHRP, CHRL and/or CHRE designation

Attributes and competencies apply to all regulatory committees:

·        Public service mindedness and congruence with values

·        Having a good understanding of professional regulation, its purpose, and methods

·        Having a basic understanding of governance as it applies to professional regulation and regulatory committees

·        Having a solid understanding of procedural fairness and the requirements of the Statutory Powers Procedure Act, 1990

·        Having an ability and willingness to consider all evidence before making a judgment, does not jump to conclusions

·        Having good interpersonal skills, including the ability to work in a team

·        Sensitivity to diversity and inclusivity issues

·        Self-awareness (having an awareness of where one’s biases and blind spots are)

·        Being dependable and having the ability to deliver on commitments made a willingness to participate in non-hearing related matters affecting the Committee, e.g. training of new Committee members.

Attributes and competencies for CPD committee:

·        A basic understanding of psychometric principles—validity and reliability

·        An ability to use assessment grids as established

·        Awareness of one’s own biases

·        Understanding of HRPA’s Continuing Professional Development by-law and related policies

Time Commitment:
The Continuing Professional Development Committee meets once per year for an all-day meeting (during business hours) and other committee work is done remote on an ad-hoc basis during business hours. 

One term is for three years and can be renewed twice to a combined total of three terms (nine years).

Volunteers Needed:


How to Apply

Please note that you will need to view our Regulatory Committee Volunteer Information Session online and attest to your review to be considered for a position. To begin the session, click here and then click "Enroll."  You will not be offered an interview unless you have reviewed the Regulatory Committee Volunteer Information Session.  

The objectives of the information session are to ensure you understand the committee roles you may be considering; and ensure you understand the public-interest nature of serving on a regulatory committee.

Only applicants who submit confirmation that they have reviewed the Regulatory Committee Volunteer Information Session will be considered for an interview.


Certified Human Resources Executive (CHRE)
Certified Human Resources Leader (CHRL)
Certified Human Resources Professional (CHRP)

Volunteers Needed:

6 (6 open slots)

Experience Required:

4 - 6 Years Industry Experience

Total Estimated Hours:


Continuing Education Credits:



Jenny Eum